The chamber of dreams

expo suspendu

Evolvingartistic laboratorythat developsa universeconducive to theexplorationof dreams.Solicitingthe imagination, the tool used to navigatebetween reality anddreams.Sound installations,musical instruments,mechanical machines, paintings and sculptures allowviewersto enter aworldwithout the limitsof the unconscious. The Experimental Chamber ofDreamsoffers veriable experiencesin the form ofexhibitions, performancesand concerts.

The Listening Room


This apertured mechanical igloo of wood measures 3 meters in diameter and 2.50 meters in hight invites visitors to come listen to a song. Consisting of watch mechanisms, cleverly desynchronized, and a motorized system which uses a tailored six track sound composition that is broadcast by a satellite dish twirling around 16 reflectors which are directed at the center of the igloo. The viewer experiences the shift of sensations and finds themselves… Read More

Cold Room

chambre froide

This installation invites viewers to snorkel in cold water and architecture. Visitors are lulled by the sound world while lying in a blue aquatic environment. Sounds of the forest, birds and water first stationary and then moving take the viewer on a rustic ride. Along the promenade, the trickle of water becomes a waterfall and then a swirl of water and ends in a large room with a very minimalist dripping sound…. Read More

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