Writing pathways

Books open up for us heavenly worlds with their stories. This installation takes the viewer into a story whose central character is a child’s toy train. This poetic train travels through a city of books some with mirrored facades and captures the poems that appear on the pages of this city transforming them into sounds. Viewers find themselves transported back to childhood to that state of wonder and those first strong emotions… Read More
Glass Pathway

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Sound installation for the Biennial of Contemporary Art “Glass Pathway” is a sound installation in collaboration with Denys Vinzant. Lionel Stocard’s golden trian cars emerge as in a dream, piercing space, in suspension, joining the universe of works by Denys Vinzant which extend through audio and visual flickers of his glass scores written in golden ink. This is a golden railroad to Heavenly Machinery. The train is suspended at a height of… Read More