Influence of gravity


This installation, evocative of the solar system, showcases spheres flying through a celestial mechanism. Hypnotic, the composition of the hovering spheres projects us into space and invites us to board a waking dream. We lose track of our bodies and gravity and float weightlessly in the void. Thus begins a lunar trip where we can experience a different relationship to time and space. This installation ignites fascination of celestial objects that are… Read More

Glass Pathway


Sound installation for the Biennial of Contemporary Art “Glass Pathway” is a sound installation in collaboration with Denys Vinzant. Lionel Stocard’s golden trian cars emerge as in a dream, piercing space, in suspension, joining the universe of works by Denys Vinzant which extend through audio and visual flickers of his glass scores written in golden ink. This is a golden railroad to Heavenly Machinery. The train is suspended at a height of… Read More

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