Kinetic art

The “Dream Machines” exhibition focuses on kinetic art creations, where time, space and movement are honored. The public enters a hypnotic universe, lost in time to contemplate the revolutions of silent machines as a magical moment suspended in space.
Dream machines, kinect art – LYON – May 12 to 29, 2016

The exhibition “Dream Machines” from Lionel Stocard is about his kinetic art creations. Time, space and movement are honored. Dream machines, mobiles, installations. Opening at 6 pm, may 12, 2016 Visible by appointment from may 12 to 29, 2016 Where: La Menuiserie, 3 rue Carquillat, 69001 Lyon 06 84 32 24 18
Sliding Words Concert

The “Harponie” instrument was made for a collaboration with the Sliding Words musicians to facilitate aTrip Hop concert that offers a very unique listening experience as it is done via headphones. Relaxing music with captivating soundscapes. Vidéo concert
Forum of sciences – Villeneuve d’Ascq

Exhibition “Suspended” A dreamlike immersion in the heart of gravity and time.. décember 7 – march 8 2015
Writing pathways

Books open up for us heavenly worlds with their stories. This installation takes the viewer into a story whose central character is a child’s toy train. This poetic train travels through a city of books some with mirrored facades and captures the poems that appear on the pages of this city transforming them into sounds. Viewers find themselves transported back to childhood to that state of wonder and those first strong emotions… Read More
Dream machine

The dream machine invites us to access the state of consciousness that opens into lucid dreams, in which the dreamer is an explorer of their unconscious. Turning on itself, it gives the sensation of floating weightless in space, as an astronaut, suspended in the gap between balance and controlled vertigo. In the manner of an architect, Lionel plays with cantilever and generates all kinds of sensations through this swinging game. Lionel also… Read More
Influence of gravity

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This installation, evocative of the solar system, showcases spheres flying through a celestial mechanism. Hypnotic, the composition of the hovering spheres projects us into space and invites us to board a waking dream. We lose track of our bodies and gravity and float weightlessly in the void. Thus begins a lunar trip where we can experience a different relationship to time and space. This installation ignites fascination of celestial objects that are… Read More
the dreamatory

In the center, a single bed that rotates: the centre of our fantasies. A protective enclave where we can finally let go and return to our childhood state of peace. Suitable for imagination and dreams. All around this refuge, hybrid sounds revolve. This introspective space is defined by a blue halo a calming color that symbolizes both the experience of dreaming and echoes the inner and outer discovery. We are both viewer… Read More
The book phenomena

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At once realistic and extraordinary, a book is an invitation to dream. This facility enables us to participate in a world where supernatural elements float. Lionel extracts the book’s subject and places it on the stage. Subject then becomes object, so that the viewer is the protagonist. The story told in the book becomes a tangible thing, the essence of the content is that of the container, the public is both reading… Read More
The chamber of dreams

Evolvingartistic laboratorythat developsa universeconducive to theexplorationof dreams.Solicitingthe imagination, the tool used to navigatebetween reality anddreams.Sound installations,musical instruments,mechanical machines, paintings and sculptures allowviewersto enter aworldwithout the limitsof the unconscious. The Experimental Chamber ofDreamsoffers veriable experiencesin the form ofexhibitions, performancesand concerts.